The latest diversity report from FinTech recruitment company Storm2, has found that female representation in Nordic FinTech engineering teams stands at 11%, below the global average of 17%.
With a focus on FinTech companies in the Nordics, Storm2 examined the current state of gender diversity in engineering. The report highlights that there is still work to be done and aims to “educate, spark discussion, and inspire change.”
Angela Ward, VP of Europe at Storm2, said: “The Nordics are world leaders when it comes to gender parity in many areas of society, but this has not filtered through to the FinTech sector. We hope that by sharing our research on why this is still a problem, in even the most progressive of regions, and offering actionable advice on how to turn the dial on the problem, we can create a more diverse, inclusive and more profitable FinTech ecosystem.”
Storm2 is a specialist FinTech recruitment firm that focuses solely on finding candidates with the skills needed to build and scale a successful FinTech company.