The world is only getting increasingly digitized as time passes. Advancements are made each day. Advancements which can optimize the lives of civilians, companies, and governments all over the world. The digital revolution can however be difficult to navigate in.
We mostly hear about the challenges that the older generation face, trying to adapt to an increasingly digitized everyday life, but many others struggle too. A lot of technology and research is done without considering what negative effects the product could include. Additionally, a lot of digital products are launched and sold without integrating the actual users or launched as a half-finished solution.
This article discusses what you can do to welcome digitalization to your company and your workflow.
Proper integration
A lot of work in companies, large or small, is moving online. This means that many people will need to get used to new ways of working, but it also brings several advantages. Some of these are data and storage. Data can be analyzed to optimize and analyze your work and can help your company take action and improve where you currently lack.
This integration of new software solutions and digital workflows can be eased by investing in a workflow automation platform. eTray, a software product created by Nexcom, can help your company remove a lot of unnecessary steps in your communication. It helps forward emails and enquiries to the right employees, it helps you store and manage data in folders that can be navigated to easily, and many more things.
An early investment into this kind of software, removes the need for unnecessary processes being integrated before they are replaced by the help of your workflow automation. As such, your employees can concentrate on learning only what is necessary.
Employee satisfaction
Having staff that likes working at your company is very important. It is for a lot of reasons, and the road to creating a work environment where employees thrive and are happy to work, does not come easy. One good way to start though, is by ensuring that staff is taught how to use the digital solutions that they are required to use. Patience, proper integration, and good education is the way to go.
In another way though, you could argue that digitalization in an organization is important. And sometimes, progress might be met with resistance. When employees rebel against changes, you need to know what to do. Are they frustrated because they were not taught how to do it? Perhaps your tutorial videos are not made for the new user, but the experienced one. Or maybe the people you have hired to instruct your staff, are not capable of explaining properly? In that case, you need to improve what you do.
In some cases though, the employee will simply resist the change, and reject to adapt. To avoid this, you must be 100% sure that when you do decide to invest in digitizing some aspect of your business, the product is fully developed, and will work and help your business, rather than complicating anything.